Conference 2023 Presentations:

(Use left corner arrows to scroll through each document)

State of NH Rail Trails:

NH State of the Rail Trails-102423a


How Snowmobile Clubs Fund and Maintain Trails:

SledNH Outline 1023.pptx


Examples of Recent Collaborative Projects:

Examples of Collborative RT projects-102623a-18npgs


Share the Space:

SHARE THE SPACE-102523a.pptx


Cycling Without Age:

CWA NHRTC Presentation 10.27.23.pptx
Video: Cycling Without Age


Rail Trails and NHDOT Rail & Transit’s Role:

2023-10-27 NHRTC Presentation_NHDOT.pptx


NHBOT: RTP: A Federally Funded Recreation Grant:

2023 RTP presentation by Jay S


NHBOT: New Non-Motorized Department:

Bureau of Trails Non Motorized presentation.pptx


Multi-Use Trail Programs in Other States:

RTC NH 2023 Conference PPT.pptx


The NH Rail Trail Challenge Update:




State of NH Rail Trails; How Snowmobiles Fund Trails; Collaborative Projects

Share the Trail;  Cycling Without Age

DOT, BOT, What Works in Other States

Rail Trails Challenge Update