Highlights of the: Salem Bike-Ped Corridor
Towns involved: Methuen MA, Salem NH, Windham NH
Miles: 5.3
Trail Surface:
- Paved 2.0 miles
- Crushed gravel 2.0 miles
- Packed dirt 1.3 miles
- Easy. smooth
- Easy-moderate
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Trail activities allowed:
- Walking
- Cycling
- In-line skating
- Dog walking
- E-bikes (Class 1 & 2)
- XC Skiing
- Snowshoeing
- Geocaching
- Bird watching
Map: See GSRT Google map; https://bit.ly/2YqZbpV
Salem Depot municipal lot, Rt 28 trailside parking at Salem-Windham town line. Ample parking for disabled trail users.
- Information kiosk
- Coffee shop
- Restaurant
- Bike shop
- Bike repair station
Website: www.fsbpc.org
Social media: www.facebook.com/SalemNHBikePedCorridor
Multiple granite benches, picnic tables, bike racks, and three historic markers.
The “cow tunnel” was restored as a Girl Scout project.
Dave Topham dstopham@comcast.net 603.898.9926