NHRTC Member Benefits

Who is an NHRTC Member?

NHRTC Members share our mission of promoting the development, maintenance and active use of trails constructed on New Hampshire’s railroad corridors.

Send us your email address and you become a Member!  New supporting members, at the $25 level, receive a free book.

As a NHRTC Member, you receive:

  • Monitoring and Representation on legislation regarding NH Rail Trails.
  • Representation on Statewide Trails Advisory Committee and Rail Trails Plan Stakeholders Advisory Committee.
  • An informative, up to date, attractive website to promote our beautiful trails and to highlight NH rail trail news, legislation, committee work and events.
  • Included in the website:
  • A complete listing and links to all NH Rail Trails.
  • A compilation of grant opportunities and resources that can help your trail organization source funding and support efforts in maintenance and construction.
  • Informational “Knowledge Nuggets” to learn about rail trail issues and problem solving.
  • Information Sharing:
  • We send you email updates on current legislative efforts, policies, and trail news.
  • We email regular Newsletters with news, information and updates

Supporting Member Benefits ($25 Level)

  All of the Above Benefits PLUS:

  • You send us your trail updates so we can help broadcast them via our website and Facebook page.
  • The satisfaction of contributing to our volunteer efforts to improve and promote New Hampshire’s beautiful Rail Trails.

Organization Member Benefits ($50 ++ Level)

   All of the Above Benefits PLUS:

  • Exposure and publicity: Highlights of your trail, including photos and links, on our website.
  • Promotion of your trail’s news and events on our website and Facebook page. If desired, we can send an email to our membership announcing your event.
  • Email alerts of grant opportunities

Sponsorship: ($150+ Level)

All of the Above Benefits PLUS:

  • Sponsor’s name, logo, website URL and tagline will be added to our website and included in every newsletter.

Where does your membership fee go?

  • $100 yearly affiliation fee with the Bike Walk Alliance of NH (BWA-NH). They are a 501(c)(3) organization and the fiscal sponsor for the NHRTC.
  • Another benefit NHRTC derives from BWA-NH membership is use of their facility for our biannual meeting.
  • Website hosting and development fees.
  • Printing, publicity, promotional items.
  • Hosting the biannual NH Rail Trail Conference.
  • Supporting phone conference and Zoom accounts.