Who needs the holidays to slow you down when you have a website to launch with a multitude of back office work tasks to complete by the beginning of the new decade? Although it does not take a village, it does require all hands onboard from members of the board!
So, it is with the NH Rail Trails Coalition “NHRTC”, a volunteer, non-profit entity. Besides an 8 member board, NHRTC is comprised of 10 rail trail organizations and 9 individual members as of December 31, 2019.
Our main purpose is to provide expertise and resources to help trail organizations develop and maintain active use trails on abandoned railroad corridors. The NHRTC will help New Hampshire build a world class system of non-motorized rail trails for 4 season use, including snowmobiles in snow-covered winter months.
In addition, NHRTC works actively on legislation that impacts the state rail trail system and keeps our members informed of statewide developments. We maintain relationships and communication with relevant state and federal agencies and officials.
The Coalition will share experience and information on construction and maintenance of rail trails, provide one voice for common needs of rail trail groups to state and federal agencies and work to increase public awareness and use of the exceptional set of rail trails available in New Hampshire.
NHRTC is funded by memberships and donations for the purpose of creating a relevant, active, up-to-date website development and maintenance, subscribing to high quality teleconferencing and video conferencing systems, as well as covering affiliate fee to BWANH and miscellaneous expenses.
The website will be a resource for our members and it will serve as a conduit for communicating information to the general public. The member pages will be a place for coalition members to share specific information, such as area rail trail maps, pictures and general trail information. These pages will be linked to each sponsoring member websites, or social media.
We have telecommunication systems to share with member organizations to hold meetings remotely. The only requirement to use these services is to schedule a time slot to avoid meeting time conflicts with other members.
If you know of any like-minded individuals or organizations, please share the above information with them. Memberships for individuals and organizations are extremely reasonable at $20 and $35, per annum, respectively. Payments are accepted via our website at www.NHRTC.org or may be mailed to the NHRTC Treasurer, Dave Topham, 2 Townsend Ave, Salem NH 03079.