Here are all the details on the 2025 New Hampshire Rail Trails ***CALENDAR PHOTO CONTEST***!
NHRTC is happy to announce that for 2024, there will be another contest to gather photos for the second edition of the New Hampshire Rail Trails CALENDAR. The calendar will be a 2025 calendar. The start of the “Calendar Photo Contest” will be announced & launched in the February 2024 timeframe. Winners of the Photo Contest will be announced announced in the June-July timeframe of 2024 via Facebook. The 2025 calendars should be available for purchase later this in 2024. Stay tuned for updates on when & how you can purchase your 2025 calendars!
Below are all the details of the calendar photo contest (rules & schedule),
What is the purpose of having a calendar photo contest? The New Hampshire Rail Trails Coalition is hosting its second photo contest to choose the photos that will be included in the second edition of the New Hampshire Rail Trails Calendar – for 2025! The calendars will be available for sale as a fundraiser for NHRTC later in the year (fall\winter timeframe). We hope the calendars will increase awareness of New Hampshire’s rail trails, advocacy groups, and advocacy efforts.
How do I submit photos for consideration in the 2025 calendar? To submit photos for the 2025 calendar, send an email to nhrtc.photos@gmail.com and include up to 5 images as attachments to the email. The deadline for submitting photos is listed in the schedule below (May 1st, 2024).
Image Requirements: Images must:
- File Type: be TIFF or .JPG files, horizontal (landscape) format
- Resolution: be a minimum resolution of 300 DPI, or 3000 × 2400 pixels.
- File Size Limit: Each individual image must be 25 MB or less. Individual images larger than 25 MB will not be accepted. You may need to send multiple emails, with just one photo attached to each email, depending on the size of the images.
Other Considerations:
- Be careful of over-colorizing the photos. Try to keep them more natural\realistic rather than psychedelic or unrealistic.
- Please do submit photos of rail trail depot structures; however, this is not a requirement.
- If the photo is chosen for the calendar, and people’s faces are visible, you must have written permission from the subject(s) in the photo to use the photo.
- Ideally try to show some portion of the actual rail trail corridor surface in the photo, or something that makes it obvious that it is a rail trail, such as a sign, not just gorgeous photo of NH scenery. Below are some examples.
- We’d love to get more beautiful photos of any of the historical structures and artifacts that still exist on many of our rail trails – including historical mile markers, depot buildings, engine houses, and the like!
This photo below is ideal in that it shows the actual rail trail corridor, plus a beautiful “feature” on the right, Mascoma Lake on the Northern RailTrail. It’s easy to tell this is a rail trail.
This photo below is the historic Gerrish Station building on the Northern Rail Trail. This photo only shows a tiny bit of the rail trail corridor in lower right corner, which makes it difficult to tell it is a rail trail.
This photo below shows an artwork feature along the Northern Rail Trail. However, it does not show any portion of the actual rail trail. There is no indication in this image that this is from a rail trail.
Even though we have a preference for photos showing the actual rail trail corridor, we don’t want to miss out on any amazing photos just because they do not show a portion of the rail trail. Use your own judgement, and send us what you think are your 3 best photos.
Your email must also include the following information:
- Your name
- Name of Rail Trail where photo was taken
- Month that the picture was taken
- Your Telephone number
- If possible, please also include the name of the town or city where the photo was taken.
Who chooses which photos will be selected for the calendar (photo contest winners)? The NHRTC Calendar Committee will choose the winning photographs.
Will others be able to see the photo submissions? No. The submitted photos will not be available for public viewing. Only the NHRTC Calendar Committee members can see the photo submissions.
How will I be informed if my photo(s) is(are) chosen for the calendar? Winners will be informed by email or phone if their photos are chosen to be in the calendar.
When should the photos have been taken? Ideally, the photos should have been taken with the last 3 years.
What do I receive if my photo(s) are chosen for the calendar? All winners will receive a free calendar.
Are professional photographs eligible? Yes. However, the only compensation would be a free calendar, and photo credits in the calendar, if any of the photos are selected to be in the calendar.
Will I receive a photo credit in the calendar? Yes. In the calendar, winning photos will include a photo credit for the photographer.
When will the photo contest winners be chosen? Please see the schedule below.
How many photos will be chosen to be in the calendar? The calendar will have 13 photos that will be approximately 8.5 by 11-inches in size (one cover photo and one photo for each month). There will also be a handful of smaller photos that will be included on other pages of the calendar, such as the back cover.
When can I purchase calendars? Calendars will be available for purchase later this year (2024). Details on how to purchase will be announced on the NHRTC Facebook page, website and e-newsletter. When calendars are available, you will be able to purchase them via the NHRTC website.
What is the size of the actual printed calendars? The calendars will be approximately 8 1/2 by 11-inches, staple-bound, full color.
Photo Contest Schedule
Event | Date |
Photo Contest Pre-Announcement |
Friday January 20th 2024 |
Full Set of Rules Announced |
February 15th, 2024 |
1st Day photos can be submitted |
February 15th, 2024 |
Last Day for Submitting Photos |
May 1st, 2024 |
Winners Announced | June-July, 2024 |
Calendar Finalized |
July 2024 (approx) |
Printing |
approx 2 weeks |
Calendars available for shipping & purchase |
August\Sept (approx) |
What if I have an amazing photo taken after the photo submission deadline? Please save it for the next calendar!
Will NHRTC share my photos with other organizations or use them for other purposes? No. The photos submitted will only be used to choose photos for the calendar. If there is a desire to use anyone’s photo for other purposes, NHRTC will ask for express permission to do so. NHRTC will not share or use photos without the owners permission.
If I submit photos, what am I agreeing to? You are only agreeing to let NHRTC use the photo(s) in the calendar, and for no other purposes.
What happens to the photo submissions after winners are chosen? NHRTC may wish to save some photos (“runners up”) to be considered for subsequent (2025) calendar. However, NHRTC will ask for your permission to keep the photos in that situation. All other photo submissions will be deleted.