Exploring NH's Rail Trails

Public Art Enhances Rail Trails

By August 18, 2022 No Comments
Derry Rail Trail: a tribute to Robert Frost.  Photos by Ellen Kolb

Murals, sculptures, and illustrations on the pavement could await you when you discover New Hampshire’s rail trails. Some trails feature artwork provided by volunteers from local trail groups. Others display the colorful contributions of area students or professional artists. As you walk or ride along the trails (find a complete list at nhrtc.org), look for treats like these.

Poet Robert Frost once taught at Derry’s Pinkerton Academy. The paved Derry Rail Trail pays tribute with an illustrated version of “The Road Not Taken,” one of Frost’s most famous works. The trail surface itself serves as canvas for this imaginative project.

Alongside NH Route 125 in Rochester, the Lilac City Greenway brightens the busy roadway with sculptures flanked by stately trees.

The Pisacaquog trail in Manchester is home to a brand-new mural, 800 feet long, installed in the Parker Street tunnel on the city’s West Side. According to Manchester Moves, this is the first in a series of several projects approved by city officials this year to enhance the city’s trail network.

The Nashua Heritage Trail begins at City Hall and parallels the city’s busy West Hollis Street. Look for the colorful murals on the buildings along the way. Elsewhere in the city, trailside art takes the form of the written word. The Nashua River Rail Trail sometimes features stories, one section at a time, posted on trailside markers between Gilson Road and NH Route 111-A. 

Each of these projects gives its trail a local flavor, making a visit to each city a richer experience. New Hampshire residents and visitors alike can enjoy these artful creations as they ride or walk along the trails.

Photos and text by  NHRTC Treasurer, Ellen Kolb, for more of her great trail writing-  check out her blog: http://granitestatewalker.com/